Tag Archives: Soup

Tomorrow is. . . .December?

This year is absolutely flying by for us here at Trenton Douglas.  We have seen many changes throughout.  New employees, New listings, New Sold homes and even a New Office!  As December rolls around we can only think of one thing.  Our clients and staff and how they make up the future! 
With December comes a whole new game plan.  By the end of the month, we should have many new opportunities for our clients opening.  Getting in to HUD homes (bank owned properties) more prominently and having more expertise in what we already know, the possibilities for clients  are endless.


As far as December goes, its getting colder and colder.  So we have taken the liberty of finding a delicious recipe for you to try  on these cold nights!  The “staple of every home” is Chicken Noodle Soup!  So here is a wonderful recipe to try involving that dish!  Being home made, it’s sure to warm you up on these nights.  Best part?  3 steps, 30 minutes to make!!


See the recipe is here: http://www.recipe.com/chicken-noodle-soup/

So, from all of us here at Trenton Douglas, keep warm, safe and keep reading!

Recipe courtesy of Recipe.com.